Do silicone gel implants look and feel more natural than saline?

It depends on where you put them! If you hold a saline implant in one hand and a silicone gel implant in the other, the silicone gel implant feels softer.

Screen Shot 2015-07-23 at 1.45.01 PMLikewise, when breast implants are placed in front of the pectoral muscle, where they are camouflaged only by skin and breast tissue, silicone gel implants are likely to look and feel more natural. View our Before & After Photo Gallery.

But when they are placed behind the pectoral muscle, both saline and silicone gel implants look and feel similar in most women. That’s because the muscle blunts the part of the implant that peeks out of a tank top, bra or bathing suit, creating a more natural look. And if someone touches your breasts, he or she will feel your own breast tissue for the most part.

It is common to be able to feel the breast implant on the side or underneath the breast, where there is little or no muscle coverage. The thinner you are, the easier it is to feel the implants because you have less breast tissue covering them. You would feel the silicone implant, just a little less than the saline one. For most woman, this doesn’t seem to be an issue.

After breast augmentation surgery, many women tell me that their significant other didn’t notice much of a difference between their natural and augmented breasts – other than their size. They also tell me that while they had surgery to please themselves and not their partners, their partners are enjoying their new figure.

Did you know? Subglandular placement refers to implants placed behind the breast but in front of – or over – the pectoral muscle. Submuscular placement refers to implants placed behind – or under – that muscle. In general, I prefer to put implants behind the muscle because I believe they look more natural. Also, there may be less chance of infection and capsular contraction (hardness) and less interference during a mammogram (X-ray of the breast).

If you shine a flashlight underneath or next to your augmented breasts, they will cast an eerie glow, according to the “Glowing Boobs” YouTube video. The narrator claims, “They last much longer than regular glow sticks and you never have to put them in the freezer.” In case you were wondering, saline implants glow a little brighter than silicone gel implants.

Do breast implants glow in the dark?

If you shine a flashlight underneath or next to your augmented breasts, they will cast an eerie glow, according to the “Glowing Boobs” YouTube video. The narrator claims, “They last much longer than regular glow sticks and you never have to put them in the freezer.”

In case you were wondering, saline implants glow a little brighter than silicone gel implants.


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